GCV manage Centrica's acclaimed Energy for Tomorrow portfolio
EFT leverages renewable energy revenue for social impact purposes
GCV provide full-spectrum asset management services & reporting
We present & evaluate options for future portfolio investment
GCV have improved EFT portfolio revenue 34% vs 2016 baseline
NPV portfolio valuation now stands at £20M (vs £15M CapEx)

GCV have helped BMBC devise and deliver a series of sustainability initiatives that create measurable environmental impacts while ensuring local retention of economic benefit for constituents.
GCV have helped BMBC develop effective off-balance sheet community investment structures that allow grass-roots participation in sustainability programmes.

GCV work closely with Berneslai to extend environmental and social impact across their housing portfolio.
We currently undertake renewable energy performance profiling across 321 BH homes, and are on track to extend this to a further 1,300 homes over the course of 2022.

GCV monitor and asset manage the Council's portfolio of Solar PV assets as a key revenue driver that supports social impact objectives throughout the region.
The financial strength of the portfolio allowed Egni Sir Gar to donate over £40,000 to food banks during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

GCV, through its' management contract with Energise Barnsley is working in partnership with AgeUK Barnsley to deliver the Smart Solar Project, in Barnsley, funded through the Ofgem Redress Fund.
75 smart batteries have been fitted in tenanted homes with solar, along with additional educational and energy awareness training on the benefits of solar PV and smart batteries.
This partnership is a continuation of the relationship established by the Energise Barnsley Solar Fund financing AgeUK Barnsley to run energy advice clinics on behalf of senior tenants in Barnsley.

GCV provided the original concept, design, financing and implementation of Energise Barnsley's flagship social impact portfolio.
​Since 2016, Energise Barnsley has created £787k in community owned asset revenue providing 5% annual ROI for community bondholders, out-competing most high-street bank savings accounts.
Total renewable energy generation now stands at over 5.5 GWhs, equivalent to around 3,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided.
​Total electricity savings across housing association tenants, schools and leisure centres stand at over £278,000, while community fund allocation to local causes exceed £60,000.